( due to the Xmas break and interruptions of the holidays forgot to post this ).


Somewhere around mile 18 to 22 of the 50 K run led to some helpful insights. I had hopped onto this race without my usual grueling training plans for endurance racing. I survived. That is the name of the game in these sorts of events. Endurance races are no different than life’s experiences and the type of outlook that we cultivate. Life is truly an ultra marathon and not a sprint. It cannot be rushed otherwise we miss out on some of the most important events that we are heard to explore and learn from.


Life demands from us COMMITMENT. A conscientious agreement between ourselves and the universe to show up to what we choose to do. It is a deep bond of connection to our present and our future selves to make some thing big happen.


The commitment requires DISCIPLINE. A singular FOCUS to show up and repeat the HABIT regardless of the time, weather, or any external influences.


Even after we achieve the commitment, implement the disciple, the focus and make it a repetitive habit, there is on thing that life invites us to push through. ENDURANCE. The word ENDUR means to suffer patiently. The experiences that last or not the easy ones but the ones that push us to the brink and through the filed of endurance.


Yet all this begins with a powerful WHY. It is this WHY that will get us across the finish line, and that is just figuratively. The ultimate finish line is at the point of death as we experience it all in life, every event, every engagement with every person, every sadness, every loss, every heartbreak, every everything.


An inspired why sets the chain reaction to accomplish anything we want in life. I associated my run in this explanation as these insights came up to get me through, but showed me the wisdom of their applications in real life tasks and projects, or even in relationships.


All this culminates with one thing. LOVE. This is the eternal truth of everything in the universe. If we do not have love for what we do, who we are, what we have, then what is the point of any of it. Love is the fuel that drives the engine of inspiration.


Stay inspired, stay in love.




I love you

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