New Blogs
The beating heart. I am in the privileged position to be able to listen to beating hearts all day long. I love it. After a chat with a...
Broken hearts, broken trusts. The feeling of once being happy and now sad. We may desire to hide away from the world or even just throw it all and run...
Most of us are on a journey. A convoluted path with no straight paths but rather lots of twists and turns that we cannot see the end or sometimes even...
What is our deepest fear? we live a life filled with fear even though we think at times that we are not. It is natural to be afraid to take the next...
We all have that difficulty of conquering our fears, getting up and doing what our heart truly desires, making that big splash on life. We make...
Slowing down I am always in a rush. I suspect you are too. I always have to be in at least 3 places at once. Family life, work life, personal...
Weekly Blogs
Effortless living
Effortless living I wanted to explore an interesting concept that I recently uncovered. Many a time I have tried hobbies or tasks that I have always...
Doing your duty
Doing your duty What is your duty? Is it to your family? Is it to society? Is it to your job? Is it towards your country? Or is it to yourSelf? These are...
Emptying your garbage bin
Emptying your garbage bin Every day various household items from the kitchen or various rooms all get tossed in your bin. Tidying up your high traffic...
Disappearing act
Disappearing act Ever think about what it would feel like being a part of a magician's trick? Especially the one when he makes the assistant disappear...
The doctors waiting room
The doctor's waiting room If you are ever unfortunate enough to have to go visit the doctors office you are usually required to patiently (no pun...
Living on the edge
Living on the edge Someone bothers us or something does not go our way. It irritates us. This festers like a thorn in a finger, and continues to draw out...
Living outside your comfort zone
Living outside your comfort zone We love the idea that whatever we do is within our personal acceptable limits. We enjoy being in within this "zone" as...
Arguing with oneSelf
Arguing with oneSelf Not a day goes by when I do not find myself in some of sort of dispute or disagreement. Not with anyone else necessarily except...
Miracles do happen
Miracles do happen We wait for the holy season of Christmas, Hanukah or any number of religious holy holidays to look for miracles to happen. Movies...