New Blogs
It has been a rough few days. Wifey had to get surgery at end of last week. Thankfully, She will be ok, now the long road of healing of her shoulder...
Yoda and Hulk. I see this picture everyday. Inspiring and in awe every time I view it. 2 figures that look so different in age, body...
At the edge of failure lies success, At the edge of a challenge lies growth. It is only by embracing hardship that we can learn...
You have but one purpose in different forms: Sow your greatness Embrace your love Awaken your potential Explore your...
Your anger will betray you Your separateness will pain you Your compassion will resolve you Your LOVE will make you whole...
There are days when we worry.. worry.. worry. Why? Because of someone else's opinion of us that they may have said to us or about us to...
Weekly Blogs
Halloween Halloween cometh. All Hallows Eve. A great festival of pomp and celebration enjoyed by many in different cultures over a three day...
#metoo I am compelled to acknowledge these 5 letters not as a symbol representing that I was abused. I was not. Far from it. Yet being a man I must pay...
Meeting deaf ears
Meeting deaf ears I came upon a very heart warming story. Thought I would share it with you. There was once this young deaf man who had just moved...
a bloody story
A bloody story So the other day an incident occurred. The morals of it were far reaching. I will share. My 6 y old kitchen savvy and chef wanna be...
The path
The path. We arrive not a moment too soon, or a moment too late yet just at the right time to a path in front of us that may be devoid of clarity. It is...
an emotional photographic tale
An emotional photographic tale I recently glanced at a picture that was taken. I would love to meet the photographer one day and ask what they...
Physics A field of instant boredom or immediate excitement. For me it started off in school as a very difficult subject matter to understand and grasping...
Body transformations
Body transformations Yet another magazine I throw away in the garbage that has innumerable pictures of amazing ( probably photoshopped) models with...
how much is enough compassion?
How much is enough compassion? I am often plagued with the notion of do I have enough compassion? Not do I have compassion. I do, but do I have enough...