New Blogs
Remember my locked out phone story? Well I had an interesting reflection. We live in a world of privacy. Or at least a world of illusionary...
These days technology has taken a sharp up-leveling in comparison to humans. The birth of A.I. is not just something out of the Terminator movies...
Be grateful for your strength and accomplishments for they have taken you far. Be grateful for your weaknesses and failures for they have taught...
“An apple a day keeps the doctor away” Clearly a phrase that if it worked it would out me out of business, unless I buy an apple farm. It is a...
The other day I came down with the common cold on top of severe seasonal allergies. This led To a short case of laryngitis. Some moments I sounded like...
The other day I came down with the common cold on top of severe seasonal allergies. This led To a short case of laryngitis. Some moments I sounded like...
Weekly Blogs
Connection or attachment
It is important to discern the difference between connection and attachment. These words are used in the spoken language as if there were no different....
You are the calm, not the storm
You are the calm, not the storm Traveling is stressful. It is anxiety driven and a constant rushing of time. The painful security checks with apparel...
Watching movies
Watching movies Ever sit in front of the TV and be watching a show or a movie and realize that you do not want to watch it any more and change the...
Collective Consciousness
Collective consciousness What is collective consciousness? It has been articulated by many authors and also explained as being a part of a collective...
The Truth about You
The Truth about You We have been convinced that we are damaged goods from a very young age. Whether it is by our caretakers in the form of unkind words...
Questions and answers
Questions and answers In moments of fear and doubt I look to the heavens for answers. With hands folded or with suffering faces planted deep into my...
When you compare you despair
When you compare you despair Much of my life I have set myself up to be compared to the bench mark of others. Always compared to others to gain a value...
Success and happiness
Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get. Let that sink in for a bit. The mind will always forget the trials and tribulations...
How do you change the world?
How do you change the world? I have struggled with this question my whole life. Till I asked myself a deeper question. Why do I want to change the world?...