Fighting for our lives

Assume that we are in a perpetual fight to discover the future. Yet we cannot move forward unless we truly accept our past. Like being tied to the harbor, our boat does not set sail, till we let go of the anchor that holds our buoyant unconscious.

It is easily advised ” to just let go”. I find this not only impractical yet unwise to let go without being grateful for the past that may have held me in chains. It is only till I uncover how my past has served me to allow to settle into this present moment in time, can I then be assured to reach safer harbors of my future.

When I am satiated in un covering that every challenge truly had support and I was never alone at any time point of my hardships is when I am better poised to look at my circumstances for what they are and not live in the fantasy of what they should be.

My life is a continuous synchronicity of both support and challenge, and the border of the two is where I grow. And so do you.
I love you

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