My dear friend, If I could free you of all your unknown pains, If I could breathe life into your aching bones, If I could afford you the relief of your...
Germs germs germs
There is so much of fear these days about getting the corona virus while traveling. The lists of things of how to protect oneself and things to avoid etc...
Om peace balance
OM Peace Balance Try to find peace and balance over happiness or sadness in every moment, everywhere, in everyone and in everything you see, you say, you...
Writings with love
For those of you who enjoy the posts I write. Thank you for reading. My intention is that they assist in showing you a path that many including myself...
Love is…..
Love is infinitely expansive Love is transformative Love is non exclusive Love is all encompassing Love is empowering Love in a relationship is not you...
Motivation vs inspiration
I interrupt your daily broadcast for this announcement: If you need motivation to do anything in life e.g. Exercise, studying, a job, pursue commitments,...
Male and female, light and love
Wanted to share with you an idea within metaphysics, a field I have spent a lifetime studying alongside medicine and mythology and religion. There are 2...
Life is about
Life is NOT about just waking up and going about the day solving problems Life is about waking up and being INSPIRED to evolve and BEcome and create....
Tree support
Was walking back from work the other day I noticed this tree ( see picture). It got the wheels of my mind turning. I have associated trees with strength...
Full moon October 2018
The magical Hunter's Full Moon arrives in the midst of a beautiful autumn foliage. The energy of the moon is at its highest when it is full due to its...
Gratitude journal
Having gratitude is one of the single most empowering act I can perform. I am a firm believer in adopting a habit of writing in a gratitude journal. I...
Remaking yourself
We are constantly rebuilding ourselves. Day in and day out. Every idea that breaks our thought patterns is there to challenge us to rethink our life, and...