Daily Writings



What ever you may do today... Make sure you do one thing consistently... Speak YOUR truth not someone else's idea of the truth or a hearsay idea of a...

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Lessons of nature

Lessons of nature

In silent meditation I watched this beautiful plant as it embraced the morning light. It welcomed it with open arms, nourishing itself with the light...

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Everyone has wounds. " they hurt me", " he is to blame", "she was against me" and the list goes on. Yet delving deeper reveals the story that holds us in...

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Full moon

Full moon

The full moon returns.... you are thinking what again ? Almost a month already ? Yes time has sped up throughout out solar system. Slightly faster enough...

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Traffic lights

Traffic lights

Thoughts at the traffic light. We all know the sequence of the traffic lights. Green, then yellow then red then back to green. Yet what is the...

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Finding the breath

Take in a deep breath. Feel it fill every part of your lungs. When we follow the synchronicity of our breath we uncover that which follows. The heart....

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