Money. It is what we use to trade goods and services..... we seem to always chase this commodity. It is what we use define our self worth through...
Happy Halloween On this day or night there is a thin veil between light and dark , the living and the dead The darkness can pass into the...
I love traditions if only to research their origins.. the true stories from which they have arrived to our homes and survived generations One such...
There are pessimists who believe the glass is half empty There are optimists who believe that the glass is half full There are realists who...
There are so many lovely Halloween traditions that are rarely understood. I have spent some time delving into these mysterious origins.. The Apple...
There are times when I feel incredibly stuck. I cant seem to see my next path of progress or I can't get myself to move forward. I cant get my self...
In life we make weird associations with experiences on the outside and internal emotions. One such oddity that I had experienced had to do with clam...
During my run.. I had plenty of time for contemplation... after all the squirrels and birds left me.. I surrendered to my thoughts and the voices of my...
Funny story. For all those who know me, I am a fan of post-its. Yes those sticky multicolored papers that you write notes on....
Remember the story of the mother and child in the trauma room the other day. Well the saga did not end there, and nor did the lessons learned. So a...
Fall time is my favorite season... There is a certain magic of change all around us... in the air... on the the water... in the heart...
Synchronicity. It shows up at the most unusual times, yet is ever present. SO the other day I was at the hospital, just having finished my patient...