We all have heard of the famous story of Santa Claus, AKA Saint Nicholas ( 270 to 346 AD). There is a fable about a Greek man who roams the earth on...
We each come to a time that we are asked to look upon a situation with FAITH. Yet that faith requires courage. Most of the time we disbelieve the...
There is a tremendous need for kindness and understanding in the world Not just towards humans...but to the animal kingdom, the plant kingdom, the...
Welcome to the magic of the winter solstice. Dec 21 is the shortest day of the year and the beginning of the Winter season. Light begins to grow and the...
I am pleased to announce that I have achieved the first item on my bucket list. I got a bucket !! we all have a bucket list filled with...
Beard trimmed, back to feeling normal ( ish) again. A rite of passage after every race, marking an end and ready for new beginnings. The facial hair...
12 12 Not just a play of numbers but a beautifully orchestrated sequence of tremendous significance. 12: 12 is known as an ascension...
Winter is here at last... We will have an exciting blast All colors are wiped away clean Then there was only one The twinkle...
I cannot come away from a fireplace without taking on soot I cannot come away from a swim without getting wet I cannot come away from anger...
More elvish wisdom... I find that I have been desperately searching for the meaning of life..... Till I realized that I must effortlessly...
This is the new improved version of Santa. Santa realized that for centuries he has unnecessarily been rushing around and overeating snacks at...
The Lord of the Red Return of the Elf My old friend has returned bringing with him Divine wisdom from being beyond the Northpole... ...