Each of us face some sort of challenge that we are invited to face. It is part of being human. How we handle the challenges is what defines us, makes us unique, yet also what happens next is a key part of that equation. What do we pass on?
I have had many patients with addiction and recently one of my patients told me in great detail about her alcohol addiction and her fight to get into recovery. She is sober and doing well. It got me thinking. This was her journey, her story was solitary to her though there are similarities to other people with the addiction issues.
I compared her “story” to my own life as a kid escaping during the Gulf war, or fighting to the finish line in one of my many endurance races. The journey matters to the individual undergoing it, but more importantly it is all about us completing that story and living to tell the TALE of the exploit. Our lives can be beacons or serve as warnings to others to learn.
This is how human consciousness grows. Each of us face one or more challenges, go through the process, and the path that we create or leave behind becomes the learning for someone else. Our personal journey becomes the journey for the collective.
It is our individual vulnerability that transforms and helps makes the collective stronger. It is through our conversation that we light the fires of inspiration into others.
Whether it was a tough camping trip, a difficult race, a health issue, a financial breakdown, a terrible relationship or anything that gives us a significant impediment to cross, brings us to the point of new realizations that will help in into narration the growth of human consciousness.
It is this growth that leads us to cross the bridge of matter and into the realm of spiritual love. It is a transmutation that each of us are invited to go through. Life and death are just quantum states of existence. Physics now shows that we can be living and dead at the same time, sort of like Schrödinger;s cat model. It is what we do in between those moments. In between our heart beats, between the breaths, between the pauses of life and death that make our journeys a reality.
I love you