Why is it that only until we lose something that we understand its loss?


It is not until sickness strikes that we appreciate our health.


It is not until sadness is suffered that we appreciate happiness.


It is not until death happens that we appreciate life. Yet why are not in a state of backwards compatibility? Why do we not appreciate good health, happiness, and life when it is occurring all around us. No house escapes disease, old age and death. Yet no house is devoid of good health, happiness and love.


What we focus on expands. Where our attention goes the energy follows. So perhaps it is time for us to focus on our good health, our good fortunes and our living loved ones.


The crazy thing that I could not get my head wrapped around was that just a few weeks ago I did the 50K run. I was fine. Then 2 weeks later a tiny minuscule virus enters my cells and crumbles me to the floor so much so that just climbing a flight of stairs is exhausting and forces me to lie down. How can health go from one extreme to the other? What is the lesson here?


Balance, and staying in it. When I was healthy it is as it was. When I am sick. It is as it is. Reality plays its own games leaving it up to the observer to witness it or participate in its tumultuousness. The magic is how we react or respond to the situation or just observe. It is in the witnessing that we see all life as a balance and in a state of flow and flux. There is no good nor bad it all just is.


So instead of making everyday a grind and trying to push my coffin uphill only to slide down the other side, whippppeeee right into the grave plot, I intend to enjoy life with love and gratitude. Exploring the mystery of life is part of the fun, the rest of it is found in surrendering to it entirely with love.




I love you

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