

What is indifference? What does it mean to be indifferent ?


The opposite of beauty is not ugly, it is indifferent


The opposite of hate is not love, it is indifferent


The opposite of life is not death, it is indifferent


If we remain in the circle of indifference we cannot play in the field of being different, or unique.


Indifference leads to apathy, which leads to lethargy. A spiral of lower frequency energies that keep us stuck. The goal of each human is to grow, for it is in our DNA. Within us lie all possible future imaginations of our destiny and all our past memories of our entire ancestry. Locked. Waiting for the surge of energy to break free.


We are tasked to find that one gift, that one talent and live it with purpose. It is our choice to find that one thing that inspires us and to light the fire in our belly, in our body, in our mind and hearts. To fan its flame to become the best version of ourselves.


It is a life’s journey for most of us to find this one gift. To connect to that divine spark within our human shell. We may become the best teacher, the best healer, the best engineer, the best salesperson, the best parent, the best friend, the best plumber, or the best electrician or the best anything. But these are all avenues or paths of how we interact with the world. It starts with stepping out of indifference and becoming our authentic self. The divine human.


We lose this gift or rather misplace it in our mindless consciousness when we expect from others or expect too much from ourselves, or compare our reality with that of others. We forget our responsibility and self accountability. The path to growth means to break free of our indifferences and step outside the comfort zones of our lives that we have so tightly knit.


The only question that remains each day is to ask ourselves, do we dare to be different ?




I love you

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