Yesterday we had our first snow fall of the season. It was wonderfully delicious. I snuggled myself in the first early morning cold, I enjoyed the taste of the first snow flake upon my tongue, I witnessed the first whiteout of landscape. It was the first. Not the first time, but the first for the season.
I pondered about the nature of the first experience, and how it brings us into the sense of aliveness each day, and how it shapes us for the future. Going back to my firsts I felt each one deeply
My first kiss with the one who then became my partner for life.
My first hug that made me feel that I was loved
My first steps that heralded my future of not remaining still
My first sunrise each day that fills my soul with wisdom
My first $ that I earned, that gave me the confidence of self worth
My first viewing of the twinkling stars each night that offers me solace
My first cup of hot tea in the morning, nourishing my tired cells
My first thought of gratitude for being alive as I open my eyes.
My first writings that penned my deepest thoughts of my heart
My first child that brought the sense of love and responsibility
My first patient that allowed me to offer my gifts of healing
My first bike ride that was a colossal failure, but then made me ride skillfully after that.
My first day of school, the urge to return to learn more
After the first of anything, everything else becomes second. A comparison to our senses. Yet it is in striving for the second to become better than the first is how we evolve each experience. It is the first however that sets the tone for the next path of the journey.
It is the first that gets us out of inertia and shift the gears to feel, move, and launch.
SO I would love to live each experience each day with my first thought, first word, first action to bring that sense of life into my heart as if to make it more vibrant, and buoyant and allow that feeling of the first simply guide me each moment, each day and each lifetime.
I would invite you to make each experience your first, and not your last, and see the tapestry of life unfold with magnificent beauty with awe and wonder.
Enjoy the magic of the first
I love you