The death of mrs claus

The Death of Mrs Claus

I was always proud to tell my friends that I knew Santa. How? Because I had an inside track with Mrs claus. Not only a patient but a friend. So it was with a heavy heart that I was informed of her rather sudden passing. Fell in to my chair, and the heart hurt. It really hurt. The feeling that I was connected to the magic of Christmas by being the personal physician to Mrs Claus was avalanched.

We each share a role in someone’s life. We create relationships, friendships, alliances. I played the role of doctor to her. She played the role of Mrs Claus to my kids. For the last 9 years both kids have in some fashion met her at Christmas time and she gently nurtured them as they sat skeptically on Santa’s lap for holiday pictures and to secretly tell Santa their wishes to be granted under the tree.

I came home and informed them of this grave news. The 5 year old ran to the drawer and pulled out a picture of Mrs claus and Santa from an earlier christmas. We reminisced about her smile, her kind words, yet moreover her melodious way of introducing Santa to them or rather the disarming way she introduced them to Santa.

She would always spend time in every office visit to inquire about the kids and we would make plans for a photo op during the holidays. But that time has now come and gone. She always asked me to come with the kids and not just have them come with the wifey. I have no pictures with her, only the family does. So again I am feel that my role has been snatched with no photos to show for it. No reminders except the jolly red cheeks and the enormous smile that she held for me each time we met.

I remembered the last thing I said to her waving my first finger sternly “ May you keep those elves in line and Santa on his toes. “

Her jovial reply “ I just make them a warm meal and they do anything I ask”

“ Till the next visit Doc B. I will be feeling much better”

“ Will get you back on the sleigh flying around with Santa” I winked.

So there we have it. A role we each play long enough in a lifetime to create memories, and short enough in cosmic time like a twinkle of the stars and then we move on to our next role.

Santa and I are going to miss you. The Northpole will never be the same. Shine bright each night high above and keep an eye on us elves through the pinholes of the dark sky.


I love you

The Death of Mrs Claus

I was always proud to tell my friends that I knew Santa. How? Because I had an inside track with Mrs claus. Not only a patient but a friend. So it was with a heavy heart that I was informed of her rather sudden passing. Fell in to my chair, and the heart hurt. It really hurt. The feeling that I was connected to the magic of Christmas by being the personal physician to Mrs Claus was avalanched.

We each share a role in someone’s life. We create relationships, friendships, alliances. I played the role of doctor to her. She played the role of Mrs Claus to my kids. For the last 9 years both kids have in some fashion met her at Christmas time and she gently nurtured them as they sat skeptically on Santa’s lap for holiday pictures and to secretly tell Santa their wishes to be granted under the tree.

I came home and informed them of this grave news. The 5 year old ran to the drawer and pulled out a picture of Mrs claus and Santa from an earlier christmas. We reminisced about her smile, her kind words, yet moreover her melodious way of introducing Santa to them or rather the disarming way she introduced them to Santa.

She would always spend time in every office visit to inquire about the kids and we would make plans for a photo op during the holidays. But that time has now come and gone. She always asked me to come with the kids and not just have them come with the wifey. I have no pictures with her, only the family does. So again I am feel that my role has been snatched with no photos to show for it. No reminders except the jolly red cheeks and the enormous smile that she held for me each time we met.

I remembered the last thing I said to her waving my first finger sternly “ May you keep those elves in line and Santa on his toes. “

Her jovial reply “ I just make them a warm meal and they do anything I ask”

“ Till the next visit Doc B. I will be feeling much better”

“ Will get you back on the sleigh flying around with Santa” I winked.

So there we have it. A role we each play long enough in a lifetime to create memories, and short enough in cosmic time like a twinkle of the stars and then we move on to our next role.

Santa and I are going to miss you. The Northpole will never be the same. Shine bright each night high above and keep an eye on us elves through the pinholes of the dark sky.


I love you

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