Sleigh Rides at Christmas

Here I am in bed, whining about a cold and fever, feeling sorry for myself that I am coughing, sniffling, and feeling wiped out, when I look through  the blinds and I see a beautiful bright day outside. No clouds, sun shining, children playing outside. My mind started wandering (as it usually does) and I started to remember the season of christmas again. Not that you can forget as you hear the same christmas songs over and over again on the radio, and all the christmas specials advertisements on the TV or in the stores. You are barraged by the reminders that christmas is here, but do you real FEEL the season spirit, or are you too caught up with gift buying, wrapping and giving, (or returning !! ) or getting organized for the christmas meal with family members?  So intent on not losing the opportunity of getting into the mode of the holiday experience, I turned on the christmas CD on the CD player,  and got busy with cleaning and clearing the kitchen when my attention caught the tune of the song ” Sleigh Ride. ” This was a light orchestral piece that was first composed by Leroy Anderson in 1946-1948, then first recorded by Arthur Fiedler and the Boston Pops Orchestra in 1949. In any case, it got me thinking, that in all the years i have celebrated Christmas, I have never actually been in a sleigh or even had a ride in one !!
It is said that “time and tide wait for no man” . Regardless of the happy times, the sad times, natural or man made successes or calamities, or plans that we make, if we do not act on them we lose that opportunity. The chance at that special unique job, the chance of a glimpse of a miracle, the chance of saying to to someone ” I love you”, there are innumerable chances that are available to us, and rarely do they come back. Time takes them away. Time is a cold unforgiving entity that robs us all of youth, splendor, and chances, well thats one way of looking at it. The other is that it brings forth at the right moment the right opportunity to the right place, but are we open to accept it.
Christmas is a wonderful and magical time where miracles do happen. It is the perfect TIME to bring into your heart the warmth, the forgiveness, the blessings and allow healing and restoration that we all so desperately  seek. On Christmas day, step outside ( bundled up in something warm or with someone warmer !) and for a few minutes, just be in the moment, without thought, or talking and take it all in. The snow, the air, the light, the stillness, and let your heart, mind and soul get synced to something far greater than any one of us or thing. The Divine Spirit. After all is it not from this Divine Consciousness that the season of christmas  has sprung, giving bountiful food, love, beauty, peace to all that are willing to accept the gift. Not every gift has to be wrapped in a box with a bow or ribbon,  some gifts are unwrapped and waiting for you to embrace them.  Forgiveness, love, understanding, acceptance, gratitude and patience are all some of the gifts that await us all regardless of religious faith, social status, creed, color of skin or gender.
I am not letting time take away from me this years opportunity for a sleigh ride. I will look for one locally or perhaps Santa would not mind a quick joy ride on his fantastic hot rod vehicle on Christmas Eve.
” Come on it is a lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you..”
From all parts of me, heart, mind and spirit, and consciousness, I wish you and your families a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, and a Joyous New Year, and may this holiday season bring you peaceful clarity.


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