I want to be you

I want to be you.

The other day I was at the gym and I was watching the techniques of some very strong athletes and I jokingly told the coach ” I want to be you.” He laughed and said funny ” I wanted to be you.”  I was surprised, yet we both smiled and the encounter diffused. Yet the thought lingered. That is when it dawned on me, that we all want to be someone else when we see their achievements, their abilities, their looks, their financial situation, their social status and so on. Whether it is a friend, a family member, an acquaintance, someone we see in the social media or a magazine or wherever. We are constantly looking to “improve” ourselves by desiring to be someone or something else. Yet rarely is that ever achievable.

It is not until I accept my talents, my gifts, my abilities, my looks, my finances, my social status, my presence in the world, will I actually ever make a dent in anything I choose that I want to become. Owning my spot in the universe is the first step. You and I are here for a reason. It was not by accident that we came into being. We chose this life, which means we chose everything that this life would offer and also chose the reality that we are in. With this premise we can also choose to transform it by owning the reality that we have into what we want it to become. I cannot make a clay pot if I do not own any clay. I cannot sit on my couch and manifest a clay pot, without first owning a clay brick and then work on creating it into something different than a brick. I am not going to build a perfect pot ( I have no idea how to do pottery) yet with a few lessons, an instruction book , a potters wheel,  I will be well on my way to creating something similar. Practice makes perfect.

In order to want to be something different we have to be able to have the desire to change. People and situations trigger this desire within us and build us up to the precipice of trying to improve. When that happens we get the tools we need, in the forms of education, materials, vision, training etc. Once we realign with our sense of belonging and cord ourselves to the reality of vision, the illusion begins to dispel. Can everyone be a king or queen ? No. Because we have not yet owned who we are and what we are here for. Once acknowledged we realize our OWN path, our OWN purpose, unique from someone else’s path and purpose. An advice given to me by my coach when I wanted to be like him :” Continue to improve your numbers not mine and you will get to where you want to go.”

I want to be you? No. I want to be me and I thank you for helping realizing that.
I love you

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