Had a great heart felt moment at work…. yes I know thats funny.. “heart felt ” being a cardiologist


So my 78 year old patient came in and we started chatting.. we managed to solve most of her fears and ailments… then as we were finishing things up she says..” I have something that I wanted to show you..”


She pulls out a newspaper article cutting…


I thought it was a question about something she had read…but no


I examined the article…..it was me !! It was an interview I had done decades ago.. I looked quite different..


She says “I have been your patient since 2007 and I have kept this article when it came out in 2008 ”


I was shocked… a little choked up..


She said ” you gave me great advice back then and you keep doing so at each visit”


I thanked her for holding on tp the article for so long as i escorted her out


She grabbed my arm tightly for support and said.. ” I only hold onto good things”


I watched her slowly make her way down the hall to the front office


As I walked back to my room to do her documentation I wondered about that younger version of me


How.much had I changed ?


I am definitely healthier now, less heavy and with less hair on my head….


I recalled my committment to helping people mind, body, heart and soul.. not much as changed in this mission


I honored what has happened to me through experiences and learning all these years..


I honored the good and the bad… because both served its purposes


I cherished that I get to do what I do.. serve humanity as a cardiologist and a life Architect


I welcomed the change from the 2008 me to the 2025 me…and whomever I become in the future..


I am not usually someone who spends time looking at the past as that is not the direction I am heading… but it is beneficial to occasionally look at who we once were and take stock of who we are now as we see the trajectory along the ribbon of our lives


Much gratitude for her coming in to see me and allow me the pause to explore my feelings as the younger me and I are still existing and living… just in two different time space continuum.


Grateful for that doc in 2008 who helped me become me today….as I will help the future me transform who he has to become…


Ripples in a pond of energy and life… we skip from.one to the other without realizing it


Ps.i think the 2008 article i was mentioned in was interesting too 🤔 😄


I love you


Dr Nitin Bhatnagar

Intuitive cardiologist

Life Architect



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