I find that these days, time seems to be moving very quickly. I am constantly in a rush and life is speeding out of my control. Events and weeks are passing by at a fast pace.
Society needs an answer to everything, not just quickly but immediately. In fact the reply needed to have been done so urgently that it should have been dealt with yesterday! We have lost the gift of patience. Our high speed technology has robbed us of the passage of time. We cannot wait for our text or email message to have been sent before we demand a reply. Construction of anything needs to happen at a drop of a hat, as if erecting a building can be done as fast as a 3D printer ( actually it can lol).
I think with efficiency and increased productivity we lose something even more. The spirit of creation. When we gaze at ancient architectures such as cathedrals, old decorative churches or castles we feel their majesty and what all they may have witnessed over the eons. It took time for them to be made and so they stood their test, and remain wondrous and beautiful. Anything that takes time to do, make, build or is hard is not easy, because anything that is easy does not last.
Society is greater when people plant seeds for trees that they will never be able to sit in their shadow. That is the magic of our growth. Patience.
Civilizations grow through patience. Each of us are compelled to have that long breath and pause when we do things or invest our time in our children or our careers or more over in our health that we may not be around to see the full efforts come to fruition. Yet knowing that what we do is important as each of us are threads of society woven into the garment of a broader civilization. And each footprint we make has a position to be placed with care. Trust who we are and be, every decision we take, in some way through the yawn of time has an impact.
Patience and trust allows a society to evolve. Impatience and insecurity make the illusion crumble.
I love you