

Have you noticed we only give gifts during a holy season like Christmas or a celebration like a birthday? Why is it we give thanks only during Thanks Giving or when we come out of a suffering. Why do we only show love during Valentines day?


Everyday is an opportunity to give thanks, offer gifts, and show love. Whether it is a random act of kindness to a stranger or a small gift to a co worker, or flowers to a loved one on a day that is not their birthday, the act of giving is key.


Every act no matter how small is a part of contribution and giving. Picking up trash on the beach, you are giving back to the health of the planet. Listening to a friend’s frustration, you are giving them time to heal. Paying someone else’s meal or the toll for the car behind you, you are giving the chance to pay it forward. By sending someone a letter, you are giving acknowledgment that you care.


Feeding a stray animal, gives them a chance to be fed. Helping the homeless, gives them the aide they need. Smiling at a passerby, gives them the chance to be in the moment. Talking to your child, gives them the support they may need.


In every moment there is an opportunity to give. This includes also giving yourself permission to exist, live, and offer love to someone.


Don’t waste your days, invest in your days.


I love you

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