I was going to stop all my bad habits from 2024 this year, but I decided to quit on that since no one likes a quitter.


Joking. Welcome to Quitters day. January 10 is known for being the earliest time that most people quit on their resolutions that they create on january 1st.


Why do we quit? It is because the majority of the resolutions that we make are albeit good intentioned yet are fantasy or nightmare driven. It is an externally motivated driven and not an inspired goal that is fired up from within. Obvious ones are exercising or eating healthy. The moment the novelty of the new year wears off, so too does the resolution.


But does that mean we are all doomed to have broken resolutions? NO of course not. It is wiser to create resolutions with powerful whys. So then in times of weakness as the chocolate cake staring at us from the fridge calls out to us or the lack of desire to goto the gym creeps in, our WHY will be the savior.


The resolutions are usually written out when we are elated by some external influence, and not deeply explored as a lifestyle goal or change that has meaning or significance. This is why we falter. Like whims and whiffs of clouds in the sky, the resolutions float off and vanish.


It is practical to make a goal that we can stick to and that usually means habitual. Chunk down the goal into bits that are manageable and practical. To say “I am going to get fit by running 10 miles a day when I have never run 1mile” is dangerous and fool hardy and not sustainable. Yet building up to to 10 miles a week and then increasing is more plausible.


Making sure that the goal is specific and not vaguely based in fantasy, and making it measurable is key. As humans we need to see progress in order to continue. We also live busy lives so our interventions to build the successful resolution needs our attention in an already packed schedule. Somethings will have to be let go to make the time or we have to make time by starting earlier in the day, like getting up at 5am and exercising.


All resolutions are achievable and can be made realistic. It is just a matter of having the right WHY to fuel them, and the clear plan to implement them. Day 10 of 365 is here. Soon it will be Day 364. Consistency and discipline is key. Anything is possible. But I find that most importantly if we bring in the element of fun into the resolution, things go a lot smoother. No matter what happens do not give up and do not criticize oneself too harshly even if we fall off the wagon. It took a lot for us to learn to walk, then run as babies. Giving ourselves grace and gratitude for trying is helpful. Loving ourselves is the surest way to moving forward with any goal we choose to work on.




I love you


Ps always give 100% unless you are donating blood !

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