Beard trimmed, back to feeling normal ( ish) again. A rite of passage after every race, marking an end and ready for new beginnings. The facial hair certainly helped shielding me from the icy cold. The soreness is still there making my gait comparable to that of a drunken ape but that too shall pass.


I wanted to share a funny story that occurred during my recent race. As most people know about me is that I light up conversations with just about anyone anywhere, strangers especially.


I must have been somewhere in the 27th mile of the run and I see an older lady in the distance who I had passed a few times wearing a black winter jacket and a straw colored sombrero. As I passed her I said…


“ Good afternoon ma’am it is a great day for your walk, I have seen you walking for a while.”


“ What is with all you people running around today?” She asked.


“ It is a 50K race, 31 miles, 10 loops of 5k” I replied as I turned and stopped to engage the conversation.


“ Why would you do something like that?” She asked again.


“ It is on the list “


“ huh?” She inquired.


“ It is on my bucket list, something to check off and move on in life”


“ Ha, you need a better list young man” she snickered and turned and began to walk away.


I smiled and continued my run. I could not help thinking about her words, as if the universe was asking me that same question for deeper contemplation. Understanding the question is half the answer.


Why do we do certain things in our lives? Why do we create insane goals to achieve? Why do we push ourselves towards these goals?


My thoughts are simple. Always dream big. Chase the impossible. There is nothing like the present to start. The greater the goal, the greater chance of failure but just as equal chance at success. If mankind’s bucket list did not dream of reaching the moon or goto space where would we be today. It is through going to the cutting edge and leaping beyond that we achieve evolution.


Where would any of us be if we did not think bigger. It is sparked from birth. Children wanting to become adults, singers, artists, writers, musicians, entrepreneurs all attempting to create their best work by dreaming greater. To evolve is the most epic thing that humans have ever done. This magical fire is seeded inside our very DNA. It makes each cell want to become more.


For me it was about breaking the mindset limits that “ I cannot” to now “ I can, even if it kills me” mentality. I know I did not die, and I pushed myself to the very limit of what my body thought it could handle. After crossing the finish line, my body has now created a new set point from which to launch even higher. It knows that 31 miles is totally doable and the next question is what else can it achieve ? What next race can challenge the naysaying mind, the willing heart and the able body with a bright spirit to say “ Anything is possible. “


What next challenge in any area of life that I am asked to achieve or face will teach me that there are no limits except those that I would put upon myself. Not even death, the ultimate fear of any human. This is not arrogance, or ignorance, but wisdom. Experience transforms information to wisdom through awareness, gratitude, the living light within and unconditional love.


I love you

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