I had a lovely 88 year old patient that I had been taking care for over 20 years. In this time he looks perfectly well preserved. And by that I mean he looks not a day older than 65. So the other day, I asked him
“ What is the secret to your looking so young?”
“ Doc I keep myself busy doing what I love doing. I have multiple businesses, construction companies and we have lots of projects that I have to oversee. I still have the old school expertise that this younger generation does not possess. I still carry my bales of hay and mow my own lawn weekly. That is how I keep young.”
“ Longevity is directly proportional to our mission in life” I replied.
“ Absolutely, I am still running my businesses as CEO for the last 68 years. I started them when I was in my early 20s and been doing it ever since. I love it”
“ It is not just how MUCH you age, but how you age that makes all the difference in the world.” I said.
“ Yes indeed that is why I still exercise and feel strong enough to lift bales of hay and do all my home and landscaping chores by myself” he said.
“ you are a remarkable man, and I look forward to seeing you next year, when you would have perfected reverse aging and look and behave like you are 60 !!”
“ Doc, it is all about healthy living “
“ Inspired and inspiring living with gratitude” I said.
I love meeting him each year, I always learn something new and something to contemplate upon within myself.
I love you