Remember my locked out phone story?


Well I had an interesting reflection. We live in a world of privacy. Or at least a world of illusionary privacy. We have protection for everything, be they with fingerprint, or retina scan, or facial recognition or patterns or PINs or passwords. We protect everything right from our emails, all our apps, our screens on our desktops, iPads, smartphones, our gym memberships, oh the list goes on for infinitum. Even my tiny bike sensor needs a username and password !!


We literally are so paranoid as a people that we must keep everything a secret from everyone and lock everything. The irony is that once we create these identity fortresses it is worthy to note that somewhere all this data is being stored and a digital version of us with our most encrypted personal information is being birthed on a mainframe server. SO what we think is all private and want to be kept in secret is all more public that we care to believe.


Yet what was more of an epiphany for me was that on one hand I was being less transparent towards the world by encrypting my identity then when I needed the information the most, I MYSELF could not get into my own data. Outward privacy and inward transparency. Outward transparency and inward privacy.


This was a great opportunity for me to witness the balance at play. In to out and then out to in, privacy and transparency playing their games.


I am not saying that we should all just give out our bank accounts. And I do agree that there are malicious folks are around but to become obsessed to the degree we are these days is a little bit much.


Anyway I am back into my phone…. For now.




I love you

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