The great mask enforcing law has finally been lifted. For 3 years I have been roaming around like a masked crusader in the office. I have had many curious observations.


As a physician I have seen countless new hypertension ( high BP) cases. Oddly enough when I would take off the patient’s mask and check the BP again 5 minutes later, many a time the numbers were improved. The same case I noted in patients who had elevated pulmonary hypertension (PHTN) as noted by ultrasound, in cases when the patient never had a history of PHTN. Physiologically this all makes senses as within the mask we are recycling carbon dioxide in each breath causing elevation of blood pressures. So many new cases of patients having headaches, pulmonary diseases such as asthma, and allergies were just the tip of the iceberg.


Over the last 3 years since the Vid started, we dawned on these masks to fight off and prevent a virus that had little chance of being effective against a mask. Washing hands and keeping away from people who actively had infections would have been more prudent. It became a new social norm and we ostracized people who did not comply to the rules. Humans became sheep as a vast majority chose not to read the literature and understand the true efficacy and blindly followed the imperial rules. We had plenty of evidence from studies from the operating room staff over the years of what prolonged exposure to masks would be. Now magnified globally we see the mental breakdowns in children and elderly who were too weak to understand and pathologically now in adults on a worldwide scale.


I am amused at all the new patients who I have taken care of over these last few years who could not pick me out of a line up. They never saw my face !! (For many that was nothing missed lol) But now at boring meetings I cannot openly hide my expressions being maskless.


Healing is about the healer and the “healee” both making eye contact and seeing each other. The mask prevented that from happening. Humans are social creatures, we need interaction, and our brains have all sorts of facial recognition patterns to familiarize ourselves with differentiating friend from foe, or understanding another person’s emotions, or being elevated by seeing a smile. Our face gives away what is going on on the inside ( even while playing poker). Infants and Children need to see a face to comprehend safety that will serve them in the future. How many children have missed out on that early programming opportunity I wonder.


I fear that the world will be reeling from the ill effects of masks for decades to come, and unfortunately a moment’s notice by authorities to wear them again, our conditioned minds will be quick to react.


A simple disarming smile welcomes my patients and puts them at ease. The eyes did what they could behind the mask to bring comfort and agreement with the patients concerns, now hopefully without the mask a full on healing opportunity re-begins.




I love you

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