Saw this on a another post…. take a look..



The photo shows a fast race between dogs and a leopard, the goal was to see who was the fastest.

Everyone was surprised that the cheetah did not budge from its place. We asked the race coordinator what happened.

After seeing this picture, he replied:

Sometimes trying to prove that you are the best is an insult.

We do not need to go down to the level of others, to show our strength.

Think carefully and save your energy for what you deserve…

The cheetah uses its speed only to hunt, not to prove to the dogs that it is the fastest and strongest.”

Don’t waste your time proving your worth



Here is my take..


If we know our worth.. truly know our worth.. from within.. we do not need to prove it to anyone…. it automatically shows..


Our worth shines through our pores with the effulgence of the sun… this is not pride.. for both pride and shame are shadows of our self worth


Our behaviors reveal our shadows through our triggers that only mask our true self worth..


So where does worth come from? It comes from being in complete authenticity and integrity with our highest selves…..


We are not valued by our assets…. or our connections or our achievements..


Our worth lies in silence of our self mastery of who are. Our worth is the essence of who are..


Worth is a very human expression of our divine being.. because as divinity there is no worth or value in the traditional sense of the word.. divinity transcends worth


So finding our divinity dissolves worth…. yet we are still alive and human..


So how do we show our worth? We don’t. It is not external… it is internal..


When we KNOW who we are.. there is nothing prove…. like the cheetah…..


So I choose to explore and understand who I am in all aspects.. then to only discover that I am a spiritual being having a limited human experience…. which is worth it.


So I use my gifts each day.. explore my talents in each moment.. grow and evolve with every experience… I know my worth… it lies within.


I love you

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