Lost Luggage Nothing is worse than arriving after a long flight and going to the baggage arrival carousel and waiting for your luggage to circulate to...
Wearing sunglasses
Wearing sunglasses The sun shines on a non cloudy day with unhindered brightness. You put on your cool polarized sun glasses and give your eyes the much...
Shuffling your deck of cards
Shuffling your deck of cards As you open a fresh pack the newness of the cards is known. You shuffle, you cut, you spread them out across from you in a...
Enjoying the rose garden
Enjoying the Rose garden The gardeners among us or at least those with a green thumb love to spend their precious time on the knees, hands covered with...
Everything in moderation
Everything in moderation "Water in moderation never killed anyone"-Mark Twain. One of my favorite quotes. Water is so powerful that its power...
Ground hog day
GroundHog Day Many of us remember the famous movie with Bill Murray when this once miserable reporter is stuck living in the same day ( the Groundhog...
Weaving your life
Weaving your life Look at your clothes. Now look at them closer. Notice each strand of fabric. Observe the texture and its color. Note how each strand is...
Anniversary, a day to remember
Anniversary, a day to remember We all have anniversaries of some sort. Wedding, graduation, death of a loved one, moving into a new home, or some sort...
Don’t hit the snooze button
Don't hit the snooze button Ahhchooo ! The familiar sound of the sneeze in spring time is heard everywhere we go. It is the sound that plagues all...
song for the new year
Song for the New Year (Thank you for reading this blog, Hope that your mind it helps to unclog) We welcome with open arms a new year, A time for personal...
Dear Santa
Dear Santa The season of joyous celebrations are here again. Whether it is Hanukah, Christmas or Kwanza, it is a time of family, friends,...
Competitions are not for losers
Competitions are not for losers Just another 1/8th of a second and he could have beaten him to the Gold medal. Just another extra hour of work on...