Inviting guests. There are two guests that we invite into the homes of our hearts on a regular basis. One knowingly and the other unknowingly. Their...
The riddle of consciousness
A Riddle of Consciousness We are constantly oscillating in states of illusion and reality with out ever vibrating slow enough to understand the...
Fire fire
Fire Fire.... There are some elements that when yelled out loud make us nervous. I mean if you yell out "water" or " wind" or "earth" you may not get the...
In the glass house
In the glass house I look up within my prison of fears and I see the transparency of my dreams that lies await for me.I am trapped in my great mind, with...
heart felt apologies
Heart felt apologies There are times when I have felt anger towards another. There are times where you may have felt regret towards another. There are...
A new year 2018
A new year.... Winter is here. Nature gets ready to nestle into her cold bed as the blanket of snow packs down hard. All creatures know it is time...
the Solstice, she is here
The Solstice, she is here. Dec 21 not just another day that arrives after Dec 20. It is the beginning of the winter solstice. A harmonic balance is...
I am sorry
I am sorry There are days that just feel wrong. All I can say is " I am sorry" and then wait. No words are formulated and no preconditioned responses can...
Last one standing
Last one standing Ever wonder what happens to everyone? Ambiguous certainly. You and I walk the streets daily sometimes making eye contact with...